YOUR Impact
Giving Opportunities
Bon Secours — Baltimore, MD
The Moon Garden
An effort to turn a run-down lot outside an elementary school into a public park is underway. The Moon Garden will be a beautiful respite for residents to enjoy. And it will contain an outdoor classroom for students as well. Give today to help promote holistic health and wellness in West Baltimore.
Bon Secours — Baltimore, MD
Eviction Prevention
Your donation can help vulnerable West Baltimore residents stay in their homes. Gifts to the Foundation help people avoid being evicted and provide stability to those in need.
Bon Secours — Baltimore, MD
Food Access
The Urban Farm provides fresh produce to eligible families who live in food deserts. Give to our Food Access program today to help those in need of nutritious meals and healthy cooking tips.
Mercy Health — Irvine, KY
Liver Health Matters
An estimated 80-100 million Americans have liver disease—including Irvine residents. Help Mercy Health Foundation Irvine raise awareness and fund a new life-saving treatment at Marcum and Wallace Hospital.
Bon Secours — Hampton Roads, VA
Women’s Imaging Center in Portsmouth
Your donation will help open a new Women's Imaging Center in Portsmouth, Virginia to give more women access to care. Situated near public transit and free to those who can't pay, the Center will help detect breast cancer in earlier, more treatable stages.
Bon Secours — Richmond, VA
The Center for Healthy Living Petersburg
Help turn an empty building into a vibrant health center offering medical services, patient education and community programming.
Bon Secours — Richmond, VA
Critical Care Transport Vehicle
Your donation will help purchase a new state-of-the-art "mobile ICU" to safely transport the most critically ill patients to Bon Secours hospitals in the Richmond area. If a medical crisis happens en route, the rapid response team is well-equipped to provide life-saving emergency care.
Mercy Health — Lorain, OH
Mobile Mammography
Help women have a more convenient option for their annual breast cancer screening, because early detection saves lives. Donate to the Foundation's fundraising efforts to raise $1.5 million that will purchase and equip a 40-foot motorcoach for a new mobile mammography clinic.
Mercy Health — Lorain, OH
Graduate Medical Education
A $1+ million fundraising effort will help launch a Graduate Medical Education program and facility. The residency program for new physicians who just completed medical school will help recruit more doctors in much-needed specialties to care for our Lorain community.
Mercy Health — Lima, OH
Mercy Club
Join the club! Donors who give at least $100 a year get special donor wall recognition as part of the Foundation's Mercy Club, a group of people and businesses with exceptional generosity that improves the quality of health care available to everyone here in Lima.
Mercy Health — Lima, OH
Renovation of The Birth Place at St. Rita’s Medical Center
Oh baby! Your gift for a modern, updated labor & delivery unit will give families a comfortable place for a safe birthing experience here in Lima.
Mercy Health — Irvine, KY
Commemorative Bricks
Engraved bricks can be purchased in honor of someone special or to celebrate a milestone occasion. And proceeds benefit the Foundation to enhance quality health care at Mercy Health Marcum and Wallace Hospital.
Mercy Health — Toledo, OH
Toledo Mission Partners
Make an impact on the quality healthcare that neighbors across northwest Ohio depend on. As a Toledo Mission Partner you and your company will enjoy special benefits of membership including connecting with other members, meeting Mercy Health leaders and learning about important Toledo area services that make our community a better place to live and work.
Mercy Health — Toledo, OH
Champions for Children
Make a difference in the lives of children and students in our community with an annual tax-deductible membership gift of at least $400. Champions for Children members are invited to special networking events for updates from Mercy Health and Mercy College of Ohio leaders. Annually, members select a youth-related project to benefit from their collective giving. Champions for Children members standing together make a greater impact!
Mercy Health — Paducah, KY
Little Miracles Recognition Wall
Purchase a star or cloud on the Recognition Wall that will be inscribed with your personal message. Your support of the Little Miracles Birthing Center can commemorate the birth of your newest family member or honor a special caregiver or loved one.
Mercy Health — Paducah, KY
Commemorative Bricks
Make your mark as part of our history at Mercy Health Lourdes by purchasing an engraved commemorative brick. Honor a special loved one or friend, or commemorate a milestone occasion through your support of the Foundation.
Mercy Health — Paducah, KY
IMPACT Lourdes Women’s Philanthropy Group
Join this group of generous women by giving at least $1,000 each year, ensuring all people in western Kentucky receive the very best, most advanced health care available. Members collectively vote to direct their contributions toward a high-priority project at Mercy Health Lourdes that addresses the greatest health care needs in our community.
Mercy Health — Springfield, OH
Acute Rehabilitation Renovation
Your gift to the Acute Rehab Unit renovation project will add a touch of Springfield landmarks to help patients recover after stroke, injury or illness. With your support, new spaces in the unit will help people regain strength and practice skills of daily living to care for themselves at home safely and independently.
Bon Secours — Greenville, SC
Statue of the Ascending Christ
Fundraising is under way to install a fourth Ascending Christ statue on Bon Secours' Simpsonville campus, with a goal of placing the outdoor sculptures at every hospital location. The art installations represent the special kind of faith-based care provided at each facility. Patients and loved ones take comfort and inspiration from this image of Christ.
Bon Secours Mercy Health Foundation
Make Your Gift Go Twice as Far
Matching funds will double your holiday gift. You can help your neighbors, friends, loved ones... and YOU. Your gift will have twice the impact on life-saving health care at Bon Secours Mercy Health thanks to the Mission Partners Matching Fund. Only available until December 31st or until we reach the $10,000 goal!
Bon Secours Mercy Health Foundation
Mission Partners
Mission Partners are especially generous corporate donors that support the greatest needs across Bon Secours Mercy Health. With one annual commitment, Mission Partners are invited to a variety of events and networking opportunities, and receive valuable recognition for their business.
Bon Secours — Richmond, VA
The Fleur-de-Lis Society
Join this distinguished group of generous donors by giving at least $1,000 each year, ensuring the most advanced health care is available for everyone in our community.