Meet Sydni Rodabaugh

A teenage girl stands outside a medical facility.

Your gift to support ECMO technology saved Sydni’s life from Legionnaires’ disease Sydni Rodabaugh was hospitalized for 18 days with Legionnaires’ disease. She spent the first week in a medically-induced coma. Thanks to support from donors like you, she was able to get the specialized care that she needed to survive. You helped provide Mercy…

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John Howard’s Story

An elderly man stands in his sunny dining room, smiling.

Donors gave John the compression gear he needed to manage his lymphedema For the past two decades, John Howard has suffered from lymphedema. Lymphedema is an incurable condition where fluid builds up in soft body tissues, causing pain and swelling. John knew that using compression gear would help alleviate the symptoms, but the outdated gear…

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Meet Emily Alvarez

You helped purchase the driving simulator that is teaching Emily to drive again after a catastrophic accident Emily Alvarez came home from college to be the maid of honor in her best friend’s wedding. On her way back to school, the unthinkable happened. A car travelling 110 miles per hour crossed the median and caused…

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Meet Mayra Saba

A woman smiles while showing off her compression sleeve.

Your donation means Mayra, a cancer survivor, doesn’t have to live in chronic pain Mayra Saba survived cancer more than two decades ago, but she’s still suffering from its effects today. Recently, she visited Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital to seek relief from a severe case of lymphedema, which can cause severe pain from swelling…

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Janet Dixon’s Story

An elderly woman sits next to a DEXA machine, which is a technology that screens for osteoporosis.

“Gold standard” medical technology helps Janet watch for signs of osteoporosis, thanks to you Janet Dixon has some of the risk factors for developing osteoporosis, a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile. As a woman over 70 with a family history of the bone disease, she depends on the latest technology…

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Whitney Denson’s Story

A young, blond mom smiles at her young baby, who she is holding.

Whitney could not hold her newborn, but he was safe and warm because of you Having a baby is one of life’s most special times, but for Whitney Denson and her family, having a baby during a pandemic posed complications. Because Whitney had tested positive for COVID the day before her C-Section, her husband wasn’t…

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Vicki Rudolph’s Story

Vicki Rudolph, an elderly white woman, poses happily in her home after being treated for breast cancer using Margin Probe technology.

New surgical technology helped Vicki beat breast cancer, thanks to you When Vicki Rudolph found what she thought was a cyst in her breast, everything happened in a blur. A mammogram, ultrasound and MRI in quick succession revealed that she would need a lumpectomy to remove a tumor. Your donation provided Vicki’s doctor with the…

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Medical team completes perinatal palliative care training

A newborn infant's hand wrapped around an adult's finger.

Foundation funds training to help doctors and nurses provide comfort care for newborns with short life expectancy Perinatal Bereavement Program is expanding to include Perinatal Palliative Care, helping families navigate the devastating diagnosis of a life-limiting condition When a family experiences a still birth or the loss of a newborn, our Perinatal Bereavement Ministry team…

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New EKG machines for heart program

Bon Secours St. Francis Foundation provided over $35,000 to purchase two new EKG machines Thanks to donors, patients benefit from the latest medical technology to detect electrical issues in the heart An electrocardiogram machine, or EKG, is one of the most important pieces of equipment in our medical facilities. It is a painless test that…

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Diane’s Story

You helped Diane get a mammogram by supporting our convenient mobile mammography van Diane Coletta’s primary care doctor was concerned she hadn’t had a mammogram in over a decade. Getting regular breast cancer screenings seemed like a hassle, so she kept putting it off. After Diane learned about Mercy Health’s donor-funded mobile mammography van, convincing…

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