Bon Secours — Baltimore, MD
The Moon Garden
An effort to turn a run-down lot outside an elementary school into a public park is underway. The Moon Garden will be a beautiful respite for residents to enjoy. And it will contain an outdoor classroom for students as well. Give today to help promote holistic health and wellness in West Baltimore.
Bon Secours — Baltimore, MD
Eviction Prevention
Your donation can help vulnerable West Baltimore residents stay in their homes. Gifts to the Foundation help people avoid being evicted and provide stability to those in need.
Bon Secours — Baltimore, MD
Food Access
The Urban Farm provides fresh produce to eligible families who live in food deserts. Give to our Food Access program today to help those in need of nutritious meals and healthy cooking tips.
Bon Secours — Hampton Roads, VA
Women’s Imaging Center in Portsmouth
Your donation will help open a new Women's Imaging Center in Portsmouth, Virginia to give more women access to care. Situated near public transit and free to those who can't pay, the Center will help detect breast cancer in earlier, more treatable stages.
Bon Secours — Richmond, VA
The Center for Healthy Living Petersburg
Help turn an empty building into a vibrant health center offering medical services, patient education and community programming.
Bon Secours — Richmond, VA
Critical Care Transport Vehicle
Your donation will help purchase a new state-of-the-art "mobile ICU" to safely transport the most critically ill patients to Bon Secours hospitals in the Richmond area. If a medical crisis happens en route, the rapid response team is well-equipped to provide life-saving emergency care.
Bon Secours — Greenville, SC
Statue of the Ascending Christ
Fundraising is under way to install a fourth Ascending Christ statue on Bon Secours' Simpsonville campus, with a goal of placing the outdoor sculptures at every hospital location. The art installations represent the special kind of faith-based care provided at each facility. Patients and loved ones take comfort and inspiration from this image of Christ.
Bon Secours — Baltimore, MD
Board Member Giving
Lead by example! Donations from 100% of our board members every year inspires trust and confidence in potential donors and grant-making organizations. Make your donation or pledge your support today.
Bon Secours Mercy Health Foundation
Mission Partners
Mission Partners are especially generous corporate donors that support the greatest needs across Bon Secours Mercy Health. With one annual commitment, Mission Partners are invited to a variety of events and networking opportunities, and receive valuable recognition for their business.
Bon Secours — Richmond, VA
The Fleur-de-Lis Society
Join this distinguished group of generous donors by giving at least $1,000 each year, ensuring the most advanced health care is available for everyone in our community.