
Cancer Care

Join the Fight

Ensure the best cancer care is available for everyone

With your help, there is hope for people with cancer

Our cancer care experts are dedicated to providing world-class cancer treatment here in the Richmond area

Cancer is a battle that is waged on all fronts: physical, emotional, spiritual. When you donate to cancer services at Bon Secours, you ensure advanced technology, the latest treatment protocols, skilled medical teams and compassionate chaplains are available to care for every person diagnosed with cancer.

You can direct your gift to support the broad range of Bon Secours cancer services available here in the Richmond area or designate your donation to a specific cancer-related program. 

Cancer Care

When you donate to cancer care services at Bon Secours, you ensure advanced technology, the latest treatment protocols, skilled medical teams and compassionate chaplains are available to care for every person diagnosed with cancer.

Thanks to donors, special therapies can be offered to patients at low or no cost, like cold caps that help prevent hair loss during chemotherapy. Cancer research and clinical trials help develop more effective treatments and procedures, and work toward finding a cure for many types of cancer. And resources like community education, screening programs, transportation and prescription assistance can be provided to patients in need.

Give to Cancer Care

Support cancer services that save lives

Cullather Quality of Life Center

The physical and mental effects of cancer can be especially devastating to a person and their loved ones. Donations ensure the Cullather Center is a free resource to all patients facing any type of cancer or brain tumor, helping them find their "new normal" and promote well-being during and after their cancer journey.

Donations support many integrative therapies and support services that improve the quality of life for people living with cancer, including:

  • Patient advocacy and nurse navigation services
  • Home health and respite care
  • Counseling and grief/loss support
  • Massage therapy and acupuncture
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Art and music therapy

Give to the Cullather Quality of Life Center

Help people fighting cancer get support and wellness services

Cold Cap Therapy

Hair loss during cancer treatment can be traumatizing for patients. Revolutionary Cold Caps help significantly reduce the hair loss that is caused by chemotherapy. When a Cold Cap device is worn, it cools the scalp to constrict blood vessels, meaning less chemo medication reaches the hair follicles. The ability to retain some or most of their hair during treatment is monumental for cancer patients' mental health and confidence.

Currently, Bon Secours has enough Cold Cap machines across Richmond area hospitals for up to 15 patients at once. With your help, more Cold Cap devices can be purchased to accommodate every patient during chemotherapy treatments.

Lift a Spirit

Provide Cold Caps to help patients keep their hair during chemo

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You gave Bob peace of mind during his fight with cancer

Donor-supported meditation services helped Bob Pyndell remain calm during his cancer battle. The services, provided by donors like you, made a lasting impact on him. He still meditates today! Listen to Bob describe his experience in his own words.