
Children & Youth

Be a Superhero

Ensure a bright future for young people who face special challenges

Every young person deserves the chance to pursue their best life

Your support means youth who are living with cancer or a disability have access to specialized resources for the challenges they face

Children are a precious gift and hold the keys to our collective future. But for some young people, their future is uncertain because they are diagnosed with cancer or are living with a disability that threatens their independence. They need special support to ensure they grow up healthy and thriving.

With your help, Bon Secours can offer several services that focus on their unique needs. Your giving will make a lasting impact in the lives of countless Upstate teens and young adults.

Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Program

Cancer care for people ages 14 to 39 can be especially challenging. Most programs are designed for children or adults. Thanks to ongoing support from St. Francis Foundation donors, these young people get specialized cancer treatment and support for the unique needs they and their family members may have, especially if they lack financial resources. 

The Hawkins Center for Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Care is also a place where patients and families can socialize and support each other. And donations ensure AYA patients are directed to resources for tuition, utilities, food, transportation, copays, medical bills and other basic life needs.

Lend Your Support

Donate to help teens and young adults through their cancer journey

Project SEARCH

Donations designated for Project SEARCH provide more internship opportunities than ever for students with disabilities, as the in-demand program continues to expand. These young adults learn relevant, marketable skills during their internship at Bon Secours St. Francis. Between 80 and 100 percent of Project SEARCH students find employment by the time they graduate from the program.

Your gift helps maintain the Joseph J. Pazdan Project SEARCH Center where interns participate in classroom and skill training, as well as costs for the program, equipment, computers and transportation.

Make a Difference

Support a bright future for Greenville students with disabilities

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