Make an Impact
Thanks to donors, Waylon has access to the speech and occupational therapy that helps him thrive

Like most 5-year-olds, Waylon Richardson loves to draw, color and collect Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And like some kindergarteners, Waylon needs a little extra attention to manage school.
Waylon has ADHD as well as oppositional defiance disorder and sensory processing disorder. Thanks to you, he is getting the help he needs. Your gift supports pediatric speech and occupational therapy programs at Mercy Health - Marcum and Wallace Hospital.
“Waylon had a lot of delays in his motor skills and speech,” says his mother, Tavia Richardson. "As a result he doesn't always know how to process his emotions.”
“His therapists are helping him manage his reactions to difficult situations so he doesn't becomes angry or upset."
Tavia said the therapists have been wonderful in helping Waylon in a way that makes his speech and occupational therapy fun. That fun keeps him challenged and engaged.
“One tremendous help has been the noise-cancelling headphones they provided,” she says. “They are especially great on days where there is a party at school, or when they go to the gym.”
Waylon participated in therapy when he was younger and has been back at it since last summer. Tavia is grateful that such specialized therapy is so convenient. She wants you to know how much it means to families that need these kinds of services.
“Thank you so much,” she says. “Having these services so close to home allows Waylon to get the therapy he needs to be successful.”