
Kayla’s Story

Make an Impact

Mercy Health - Cincinnati, OH

Your gift to the Perinatal Outreach Program helps Kayla provide a healthier future for her children

When Kayla Brooks was expecting her fourth child, she had no idea your donations generously funded a brand-new program that was ready to provide her some much-needed support.

The Perinatal Outreach Program is available to connect mothers like Kayla with resources in her area that can ease the challenges of new motherhood.

For Kayla, the program has made a tremendous difference in her ability to provide for her family. Through virtual visits with counselors, vouchers to help offset the cost of baby necessities and help accessing federal and state assistance programs, the Outreach Program is working to help slow the rising trend in infant and maternal mortality in the Cincinnati area.

It’s also providing peace of mind to new mothers like Kayla.


“This program has helped me and my family out so much and I want to thank the donors for it.”


“It has made it a lot less stressful,” she said. “The program did help a lot.”

With four children, Kayla said she finally feels like she can reach her parenting goals. She owes a lot of that to your generosity in funding the Outreach Program.

“I want to do anything to have a better life for my family. Now I don’t feel stuck—I don’t feel like I’m underwater. I know that I can get there.”

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You help Kayla get the support she needs for her children

Listen to Kayla herself speak about her experience with Mercy Health's Perinatal Outreach Program in Cincinnati and why she's so thankful to donors for supporting it.