
Meet Teri Reynolds


Meet Teri Reynolds

Make an Impact

Mercy Health - Cincinnati, OH

Donor support of nurse navigators was a blessing for Teri during breast cancer treatment

Teri Reynolds felt frightened and overwhelmed after a routine mammogram revealed a lump in her breast, which was diagnosed as cancer. Donations toward Mercy Health Oncology Nurse Navigators provided vital comfort. Her navigators guided her through the maze of appointments, tests and decisions that followed her diagnosis.

Teri is quick to point out that no one understands what it's like to go through cancer until they go through it themselves. But having a skilled professional in your corner certainly helps.


"I didn’t realize what I was getting into. There were tests and biopsies before I could even start my chemo. The nurse navigators did all the leg work. They made all my appointments. It was a full-time job."


“We developed a relationship and built trust because I saw them every day. It would have been very frustrating without them. They were very compassionate."

Teri is now cancer-free after months of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. She feels blessed to have had nurse navigators on her journey. She wants you to know that your donation made a difference in her care.

“Every bit of the time or money donors give is well spent. Having cancer is just an extremely scary part of life and the nurse navigators are a blessing.”

Even though she's no longer in treatment, Teri’s nurse navigators continue to provide support. They told her that ongoing support can remain an important part of anyone's recovery.

“Last week they told me about a group that has a full calendar of activities for cancer patients and survivors. I’ve already signed up for three things!”