
Dianne Smith’s Story

Make an Impact

Mercy Health - Irvine, KY

Dianne gives because she says Mercy Health is a blessing to her community

Dianne Smith has lived in Estill County her whole life. She was even born at Mercy Health - Marcum and Wallace Hospital. She knows that many rural areas lack quality health care. But thanks to Mercy Health, that’s not the case for her county.

“I know a lot of people in the country have been positively impacted by the health care that Mercy provides,” Dianne says.


“We don’t have many other things here, but we have health care that’s top-notch. I think that’s a blessing.”


Dianne supports the Mercy Health Foundation as a foundation board member and as a donor to the Greatest Needs Fund. Her donations and service help provide more positive impacts throughout her hometown. She has experienced the benefits firsthand when she gets her yearly mammogram.

“I feel like the Foundation benefits all of us,” she says. “We can’t do enough to make things better and more comfortable for everybody.”