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You relieved Suzie’s pain and swelling from cancer surgery

After Suzie Tingle had two lumpectomies and her lymph nodes removed as part of her treatments for breast cancer, she developed a complication called lymphedema.
“My hand looked like a bear’s paw. It was huge and I was in a lot of discomfort, which scared me. I didn’t know what I was going to do.”
Susie had miserable pain and numbness in her arm that eventually ran down into her hand. Her oncologist immediately sent her to occupational therapy at Mercy Health Lourdes.
“I didn’t even know that lymphedema was part of breast cancer.”
Thanks to donors like you, the Foundation helped purchase compression kits for patients like Suzie to relieve pain and swelling from the condition. Because of your giving, she received a state-of-the-art compression kit and got quick relief. The swelling subsided in only a week and she was feeling much better.
“I lost four inches in my arm,” Susie says. “I couldn’t believe how much fluid I had in my arm and hand.”
Suzie is grateful that donors like you were there for her when she needed it.
“I can’t imagine what that kit would cost. I just really appreciate Mercy Health for making it available for me. It’s a wonderful thing.”