Make an Impact
Pat gives because she wants hospice to be available to all who need it
In 2016, Pat Shufeldt’s husband Bob had surgery for an aggressive brain tumor. Several months later, they had to call for hospice care.
“A hospice nurse and social worker came to visit within 48 hours of making that difficult decision. Within three hours of their visit, we had a hospital bed and a tilt-in-space wheelchair here at the house. From the minute they came in, things started improving.”
The Shutfeldts received home hospice through Bon Secours St. Francis Hospice, which helped Bob live comfortably for another three and a half months. After he passed, Pat decided to donate to the Dot Hartnett Hospice Fund, which supports hospice care at St. Francis.
“There was such a continuity of services that is far beyond medical services,” Pat says. “I decided to give out of appreciation for the services we received and the recognition that not everyone who needs hospice is able to cover the costs of it.”