
Meet Debbie Cornwall

Make an Impact

Mercy Health - Paducah, KY

Your gift helps Debbie focus on healing and not hair loss

Debbie demonstrates putting on a ColdCap

Debbie demonstrates putting on a cold cap before chemotherapy

Debbie Cornwell had chemotherapy to treat triple-negative breast cancer. But, unlike other chemotherapy patients, she still has most of her hair thanks to cold cap technology your donations provide.

She credits your donations and the amazing staff at Mercy Health for making sure the cap is doing its job throughout her many treatments.


“I’m very grateful you would give for this cold cap technology because it’s very important. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”


“I have kept the majority of my hair,” Debbie said. “Every time, the nurses make sure that cap is on good with no air pockets.”

“The nurses at Lourdes Hospital absolutely care enough to belong to the support groups, they watch the latest technology and they are very knowl­edgeable about what works,” she says.

Debbie says keeping her hair during treatment has been critical to her emotional health.

“Whenever you are diagnosed with cancer, it’s probably one of the most devastating things to hear,” she says. “There are a lot of emotions you go through and a lot of things come at you financially.”

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Cold Caps helped Debbie focus on healing not hair loss

Listen to Debbie discuss her cancer journey and her experience with Cold Caps in her own words.