Make an Impact
Your generosity helped Aimee start a support group for her fellow breast cancer patients

Aimee Kuhlman had a great network of family and friends to keep her going when she was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. But, she knows everyone does not have the same support system in place.
With your help, Aimee revived a support group for breast cancer patients that made a huge difference for her and others while they were fighting the disease.
“There are so many things you have to deal with when you go through cancer treatments,” she said.
“I wanted to make sure that no matter the time of day, there would be someone for people to reach out to.”
Thanks to your donation, the support group has been able to get off the ground with basic supplies and promotional materials, but also a few items that are special to the group members like personal journals and coins of St. Agatha, the patron saint of breast cancer patients. Aimee hopes to offer more services down the road, including art and music therapy.
Aimee, a long-time employee of Mercy Health St. Rita’s Medical Center, is now cancer-free.
She sees how your contribution helps so many breast cancer patients, and wants you to know how grateful she and other patients are for it.
“There are so many aspects to cancer treatment that people don’t think about, but are very expensive,” she said. “Everything from wigs, to lymph-edema sleeves, even down to the cost of treatments, medication and transportation—I see how those donations have an important impact on people every day.”