Giving Opportunity

The Center for Healthy Living Petersburg

Build a Healthier Petersburg

Give today to turn an empty building into a vital health center

Help the underserved people of Petersburg access quality medical care

With support from donors, the new Center for Healthy Living Petersburg can help heal a city

A former office building on the Southside Medical Center's campus has a bright, bold future. Reimagined as The Center for Healthy Living Petersburg, its new purpose is to serve those in need—and many are. Currently, Petersburg ranks as one of the unhealthiest communities in Virginia. The people there desperately need access to affordable medical services. They also need health education and resources to improve their wellness. They need somewhere to gather and find community. They need a safe place to grow and heal.

With your support, The Center for Healthy Living Petersburg can be exactly that.

The refreshed space includes four consult rooms where patients receive essential clinical care. A large salon will host nutrition and wellness education, programming and community events. New staff offices help providers work collaboratively on challenges.

It's a big project with a big goal: to make a huge impact. But you can be part of the solution.

Together, donors like you can build a healthier Petersburg. One where every resident has the chance for a better quality of life. When you donate to the Center, you not only provide screenings and vaccines, you provide hope for people who are struggling. Your generosity turns into prescriptions as well as partnerships and programs that save and improve lives.

Your donations transform a space, and that space transforms a community. Give now to be the change Petersburg deserves.


Ensure financially challenged Petersburg residents have reliable health care services and wellness programs. 



Donor support is crucial to making this much-needed resource available for people in Petersburg.


The Center will be located in a renovated medical office building and will begin offering services in 2024.

Give Health Care to Those in Need

Help build the Center for Healthy Living Petersburg to improve a whole community

Blueprints for the new Bon Secours Center for Healthy Living Petersburg.

Partial blueprint for the new Center for Healthy Living Petersburg

A 3D rendering of the future Bon Secours Center for Healthy Living Petersburg.

Partial 3D blueprint to illustrate the most important areas of the new Center

A 3D rendering of a future medical building.

Rendering of the new lobby


Have Questions?

If you have questions or would like to make a gift, please contact Paige Bullen at [email protected] or (540) 290-6325.