Mercy Health - Marcum and Wallace Hospital has seen a rising number of young ER patients
Donors like you helped Mercy Health Foundation Irvine update pediatric supplies for the hospital

Emergency rooms in Kentucky have seen an overall increase in pediatric cases in recent years. In 2021-2022, an estimated 17% of children in the state visited an ER at least once. And care providers at Marcum and Wallace Hospital say they are still seeing that number go up.
It became clear they needed updated supplies to keep up with the rate of pediatric cases in the ER. Donors like you enabled Mercy Health Foundation Irvine to help out.
Your generosity bought an updated pediatric crash cart for Marcum and Wallace Hospital's ER. A typical crash cart carries medications, IV supplies, resuscitation equipment and more. In pediatrics, those supplies are often specialized for children. Having an updated cart is critical. It helps providers deliver life-saving care faster and more easily.
“The ER Department would like to thank Mercy Health Foundation Irvine for their recent purchase of a pediatric crash cart for our team. This new cart will assist in those urgent times by efficiently providing supplies that are needed to give the best care to our pediatric patients. Thanks so much for your support!” —Missy Snowden, ER Manager, Marcum and Wallace Hospital