

Make An Impact

Ensure the best specialized treatments are available for everyone

When it comes to the brain and nervous system, you want the best medical care available

Donor generosity is helping Mercy Health grow a state-of-the-art neurosciences program here in Springfield

Donors ensure our community has the best expertise when it comes to neurological conditions. With funding from donations, our physicians and care teams have the latest technology and treatment protocols to save lives.

"Our program maximizes efficiency so the appropriate care can be delivered in the shortest time possible, because the faster we can treat it, the greater your chance of survival and future quality of life." —Chase Collins, Director of Neurosciences, Mercy Health Springfield

Neurological Care

With the addition of Interventional Neurology at Mercy Health's Springfield Regional Medical Center, donations are supporting specialty care that diagnoses and treats conditions of the brain, spinal cord, muscles and nerves. Catheters and radiology imaging allow doctors to quickly address central nervous system conditions like strokes with treatments in addition to the standard drug that breaks up a clot to restore blood flow.

Donations to the Foundation have helped Mercy Health purchase the advanced radiology imaging, 3D technology and tools that pass through blood vessels to treat areas within the body with minimally invasive procedures instead of open surgery.

Save Lives

Ensure Springfield has life-saving treatments for stroke and other neurological conditions

Inpatient Rehabilitation

Our donor-supported 24-bed inpatient rehabilitation unit within Mercy Health's Springfield Regional Medical Center helps people heal, grow stronger and improve their abilities in the hospital with round-the-clock nursing care when rehabilitating at home isn't an option. Patients get the medical care and therapies they need to confidently return home.

Donations to the Foundation help enhance the inpatient rehabilitation unit by updating equipment and making needed renovations to patient rooms, therapy spaces and public areas. With support from donors like you, patients will soon receive therapy in a space that looks like a town where they can practice real life skills, like stepping through a door, grocery shopping, pumping gas, sitting in a restaurant booth and more.

Improve Lives

Help people get inpatient therapy in a modern, comfortable environment

Featured Story

impact | Mercy Health - Springfield, OH

Lt. Felix Shanahan’s Story

When health care starts outside the hospital, donors help provide essential life-saving training to EMS officers like Felix to bridge the gap.