
Kathy Count’s Story


Kathy Count’s Story

Make an Impact

Bon Secours – Greenville, SC

Your gifts to Bon Secours St. Francis Foundation relieved the pain of radiation therapy for Kathy

When Kathy Counts received radiation therapy to treat stage IV throat cancer, it was a real pain in the neck—literally. But your gifts to Bon Secours St. Francis Foundation eased her pain.

“They say radiation is the gift that keeps on giving,” says Kathy. “One of the side effects was spasms in my neck. I asked my doctor if there was anything I could do to help that. They recommended massage therapy.”

Donations to the Foundation help support the massage therapy program, the integrative therapies and support services that help people living with cancer. For Kathy, it was a game changer.

“They showed me some exercises to do at home when the pain spikes in the middle of the night,” she says.


“It’s made a huge difference. It has helped me become pain-free physically, which also helps me mentally. I’m so thankful for donors who have helped me in the healing process.”


Kathy has been in remission for well over eight years and still receives massage therapy from Bon Secours St. Francis to help maintain her quality of life. With only a 39% chance for a five-year survival rate with advanced-stage throat cancer, she counts Bon Secours St. Francis as one of her daily blessings.

“I love Bon Secours St. Francis,” she says. “Everyone there was so friendly and outgoing during my cancer treatment. Even the valet knew my name. I go to a support group once a month, and I’ve always advocated for massage therapy because it helped me so much. I have a lot to be grateful for. I thank God every day.”