b'THE IMPACT OF PHILANTHROPY ON CANCER SUPPORTIVE SERVICESClinical Trials by the Numbers Impact Stories Cancer ResourcesParticipants in clinical trials are the true heroes in oncology. Clinical research is key, as it is the only wayCold Cap Therapy Nurse Navigators The Cullather CenterMusic Therapythat we have improved the lives of people with cancer. All our current therapies, screening tools, andSupport Caregivers A Legacy of Caring Stephanie L. Surber, MT-BCimprovements in patients quality of life come from discoveries made in clinical research. Dr. Tracy Polings breast cancer diagnosis came out of the blue. Her doctors wereStephanie Davis (left), daughter of GlioblastomaThe Cullather Center is one of many(Music Therapist-Board Certified)In the U.S., 80-85% of all cancer patients are treated in community hospitals. Thus, it is imperative thatconfident the cancer was treatable andpatient, Martha Twiggs (right) resources that focuses on quality of life forMusic therapy involves trained professionals, we provide access and opportunity for enrollment into clinical trials for patients in their own backyard.placed her in a clinical trial with reducedcancer patients. Jack Cullather founded thecalled music therapists, supporting the Access to tomorrows therapy today should not be just for people who are able to travel to largeamounts of chemotherapy. But she wasMartha Twiggs began her 10-week Center in 2007 in honor of his son, Chris, academic centers, but instead, that access should be reflective of the total population of the U.S. still concerned about its effects on her health and appearance.cancer journey in January 2023. StephanieJack Cullather health and well-being of patients by using and her stepfather Jerry were Marthas caregivers. Stephanieand wife, Jean, to support brain tumorsongs to meet emotional, communicative, physical, social and This need is the reason I left my faculty position at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Losing your hair presents the appearance to the outside worldattributes her ability to maintain hope and strength while caringpatients and their families through the complexities of carespiritual needs. At Bon Secours, we are proud to have a music now 10 years ago, for the chance to make a difference in my hometown by building a community cancerthat something is going on and that youre not healthy, she says.for her mother to her nurse navigator Brandi Downing. Thereby providing complimentary services to brain cancer patients,therapy program available to our patients in our Richmond market. research program at Bon Secours that would provide cutting edge opportunities for participation inLooking healthy was important to me. were many doctor appointments, treatments, medications, andno matter where they are being treated. In 2018, the CenterThe Cullather Center at St. Marys Hospital recently referred an clinical trials for patients in the greater Richmond area.Foundation donations provide cold cap technology to cancerall of it was confusing, but Brandi was a text or phone call away.expanded its reach to all Bon Secours Richmond cancer patients.80 year old patient with a terminal brain tumor for music therapy. patients that can help lessen hair loss from chemotherapy.Brandi is specially trained and experienced in working with cancerServices included navigation support, advocacy, and education,When the Bon Secours music therapist Stephanie Surber first metDr. William Irvin Tracy says there were many reasons and blessings for cold cappatients. She was there for Stephanie and Jerry during theirin addition to therapies such as yoga, acupuncture, meditation,with Mr. H, he spoke about the ongoing work of making peace with technology. As an optometrist who works with patients every day,most vulnerable moments, advocating and working directly withrespite care, music and art therapy.his mortality. He also shared his best quality of life these days came I didnt want to have to always talk about my health, she says. ItMartha during each phase of diagnosis and treatment. It was a lotTo provide sustainability and plan for the level of fundingfrom spending time with his family, so it was not surprising that Mr. Number of patients in clinical trials:was important to me that I could do my job and socialize normally.to take in, knowing that Martha would not win her battle. Towardsneeded each year, a combination of endowed fund and annualH chose to write a legacy song for his beloved family. Stephanie 131 in 2022 and243total since 1/1/22. And keeping her hair helped her keep a positive attitude. Shesthe end of Marthas life, Brandi delivered even more resourcescontributions support the centers operational expenses, whichhelped Mr. H develop his own words through self-reflection, self-grateful for the donations that gave her the tool she needed tothat finally helped the family embrace Bon Secours hospice care.includes the space, and resources provided to our cancer patientsexpression and reminiscence, which was then transformed into a 112 clinical trials as of May 2023 keep her mind focused on recovery. Being able to look at myself inOn March 24, Martha passed away peacefully at home in hospicesong with music. Mr. H did not identify as a singer, but after some and their families. We are grateful for the support of our donors,gentle persuasion he agreed to open and close his recording singing the mirror and feel healthy and confident that things were going tocare with her family by her side. The journey was difficult, but thewho share our commitment to our mission to help cancer be okay, that was really the driving force for me using the cold cap,love and support provided by Brandi, the Cullather Center, andpatients focus on their quality of life. the songs chorus. The patients family will forever have access to Access to care she says. When I saw people who knew what I was going through,hospice will never be forgotten. Mr. Hs voice, even after he passes. Oh I hope that you all take they would say that I looked great or amazing or so healthy. It wascheer in how much I love and care for you. See my smile and my St. Marys HospitalSt. Francis Medical CenterRichmond Community Hospitalthe reinforcement I needed to know that I was going to be okay. Cullather Center by the numbers listening ear, and know that God can make all things new.Medical Oncology, RadiationMedical Oncology, RadiationMedical Oncology and OPICOncology, Adult and PediatricOncology and OPIC Rappahannock General HospitalYour donations helped83patients receive scalp cooling therapy in 2022 Yoga Classes Patient Brain TumorFree Breast andOutpatient Infusion Center (OPIC)Southside Medical CenterMedical Oncology and OPIC Encounters PatientsNew Cervical Screeningsand Pediatric OPIC Radiation Oncology, MedicalReynolds CrossingLisa McLaughlin 32 Bon Secours Richmond Community Health Memorial Regional Medical CenterOncology and OPIC 898 86Medical Oncology and Hanover OPIC Radiation Oncology administers the Bon Secours EveryPrimary Brain and Womans Life Program, which is a public Breast Nurse Navigator Meditation Grief/LossAcupuncture health program through the Commonwealth Brandi Downing, BSN-RN 93 Support 165 program supports certain eligible uninsuredGuadalupe Molinaof Virginia Department of Health. The 156 and underinsured Virginians to gain accessIn 2022-2023 Our nurse navigators are specially trained to free breast and cervical cancer screeningprogram year, and experienced in working with cancer patients. We meet them during their most vulnerable moments. Music Therapy LegacyCounseling services. Services provided by the program,1,090at no cost to eligible patients, include a We then advocate and work directly with the patient and their familyStorytellers clinical breast exam, mammogram, pelvicwomenduring each phase of diagnosis and treatment. We partner closely314 26 exam, Pap test, and any diagnostics neededreceived services with their providers and care team for a common goal of decreasing1to reach a final diagnosis. at no costFamilytime to treatment, while we continue to provide education, support, and resources to eliminate stress during this difficult time.Bon Secours Richmond Every Womans Life is such an important As oncology navigators, we connect with patients soon afterJames Pellicane, MD, Breast Surgeon (left) with Oncologyprogram in our community. It provides access to free screening and diagnosis to develop a lasting relationship. We are beside theBreast Navigator Kathryn Childers, RN, BSN, CBCN (right) diagnostic services for the early detection of breast and cervical cancer patient and family, holding their hand and walking them throughWe have 5dedicated nurse navigatorsto the uninsured and low-income individuals in our community.their journey with understanding and grace. Navigation requiresWe save lives one screening at a time!compassion, selflessness, patience, and intelligence. Nurses arethat specialize in brain, breast, colorectal,Guadalupe Molina, RN born to help and this job has fulfilled that purpose to its full extent. pancreatic, gynecological and lung cancers Supervisor, Womens Health Services; Community Health'